Hey, I'm Matthias!
I am always looking for sporting challenges and enjoy nature in my home region, the Bavarian Forest. I like to share these and many other experiences with my family and friends.
Rocket Science
M. Sc. Aerospace Engineering
Specialization: Aerothermodynamics
Studying at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 2017-2021.
Publication (Co-Author)
"Two-dimensional laser-induced fluorescence thermometry in a medium- to high-enthalpy CO2 flow" -- Springer Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics · Mar 31, 2023
Tobias Sander, Matthias Lettl, Colum Walter, Christian Mundt
https://rdcu.be/d7P5cProjects (Participation)
REXUS/BEXUS, Joint NASA/DLR Aeronautics Design Challenge 2020
I enjoy crafting web apps with TypeScript for projects that ignite my curiosity.
Current Project: "Wir Werden Millionär"
Translation: We Want to Be a Millionaire
Currently only available in German
https://wwm.matthiaslettl.de"Wir Werden Millionär" is a quiz app that allows you to create and manage questions yourself. You can challenge your friends with individual questions or share your questions with self-created groups in which you can puzzle over your questions together in games with 15 levels of difficulty.
Create a profile for free and get started right away!